Blessed are you Lord our God,
for you come to us and seek to make your home in us.
As we study now,
let our eyes and our ears be open to you
let our hearts find their rest and their joy in you
that we may grow in grace and live to your glory.
Blessed are you, Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer.

Zoom Link, Programme and Preparation
Please make sure your name is set to your proper name and include your parish (eg Jane Smith, Buxton). Please make sure you're in the rroom by 9.00am as we will start promptly. The room will be open from 8.45am at this link:
Insert Zoom Link here
Insert Passcode here
When in Zoom meetings please
use the raise hand icon when you want to speak, don't just chime in
listen to each other, don't speak over one another
be respectful when disagreeing with someone else's point of view.
The programme for the day can be found here
Please prepare by thinking about your faith journey so far and how you feel God is calling you to express your faith everyday at this point in your journey.
How to Access the Discussion Forums
A reminder of how to set yourselves up for posting on the Forum:
1. Wherever you see the word Forum underlined, click on it: Forum.
2. You will be asked to either Log in or Register.
3. To Register click on the Register button and set yourself up as new member by inputting your email address and setting yourself a password.
4. You will get a message telling you that your registration is awaiting approval.
5. The Course Director will approve your registration as a forum member and you will receive an email telling you that you have been approved and now post and follow discussions on the forum.
Recordings of Sessions
You can find the recording in the Zoom cloud at the link below. You will need to type in the passcode to access the recording
Passcode: kc#xG$1h
Please watch the video on Everyday Faith in the Diocese of Derby before the Study Day