Main Training Modules
These modules (subject learning units) can be accessed whenever they are running, however they have been designed to be studied over two years, building on each other to form a complete programme. If you simply want to take the modules for your own faith journey, you can dip in and out, taking any of the modules you feel you are interested in whenever they are running. Everyone who completes a module will receive a certificate of completion. You can take the modules without assessments(called auditing) if you wish to, however if you wish to study for the full programme you will need to complete all the assessments and the award of Certificate in Theology of Mission and Ministry will only be presented to those who have successfully completed them.
If you know you want to complete the whole programme it is best to register for it from the outset. If you start out by taking a module for your own faith development and then decide you'd like to do the whole course that is fine, just let us know and we will create a pathway for you. Modules cost £25 each (but please don't let this be a barrier, if it might be just let us know and we will be able to help.
An outline of each of our core modules and how they work together to form the CTMM can be found below.

First Year Modules

Introductory Modules
What is God calling you to do in your life at this time, in this day? This module seeks to help you determine that and give you support as you live out our faith in the world and the church everyday
Opening Up the Bible
Studying the bible is a lifelong journey. This module seeks to develop your understanding of scripture with help from biblical teachers around the world, notably evangelical teacher and scholar Tom Wright and gospel specialist Paula Gooder
Gain an overview
of the Old
New Testaments and
learn to read familiar
texts in a new way.
Care for Everyone
We all offer some kind of pastoral care in our lives of faith. The module seeks to help you identify the many different types of pastoral care, which ones you are using in your life and how to develop them.
Certificate Programme
Requires all three modules to be studied and assignments passed.

Advanced Modules
The old testament forms two thirds of the bible but it is often unexplored because it seems difficult. This module seeks to explore the amazing world of the OT. Previous students have described it as transformational - why not give it a try?
Choose from a suite
of modules (see list below)
to develop an area
of ministry that interests you
or to which you think
you are called.
Mission & Evangelism
We are all called to proclaim the good news but sometimes it can seem a daunting task. This module explores a variety of different types of mission and evangelism and seeks to support you in developing both.
Requires all three modules to be studied and assignments passed.
Specialist Ministry Modules
Anyone with the support of their minister can study on the course and receive a Certificate in Theology of Mission and Ministry (CTMM) on successful completion of the whole programme. If you would like more information about the course please email dawn.glen@derby.anglican.org. Please note that the CTMM does not result in any kind of license or right to perform any ministry in your parish, that is entirely up to your Incumbent (or equivalent in a Vacancy). The CTMM also does not confer any recognition or authorisation from the Bishop.
Our suite of specialist ministry modules currently comprises:
Pastoral Care/Chaplaincy
Mission and Evangelism
Children's Ministry
Youth Ministry
Local Occasional Preachers (click here for more information on this pathway)
Licensed Lay Ministry (click here for more information on this pathway)
Further information on the whole course can be found in the Information Pack here
Licensed Lay Ministry (Reader)
Licensed Lay Ministry, which used to be called Reader ministry, and which we shorten to LLM(R) for ease, is not just about leading services and preaching (though no-one should be doing those things without a license from the Bishop) - in fact some of our LLM(R)s don't do much of that all! The three strands of LLM(R) ministry are: Teaching the faith, Enabling mission and Leading in Church and Society - and those can be done in many different ways. For more information on this important ministry and pathway please click here.